2021 The Kids Thank You Children's Hospital Costume Party

October 31, 2021

2021 Children's Hospital Costume Party hosted by The Kids Thank You Organization

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The Kids thank you - Children's Hospital Costume Party was Friday night and we went and had a great time as always.  I really do love this event and it is for such an amazing cause.  I have been involved in parts for a while now. It is a huge event to plan and put together.  I cannot say enough about the great people that work their tails off to make this event happen every year.  The list of names is long. This year they had 2 bands. First up was the Quitters band. They are a local cover band that does 80's classic rock to today's music.  They are really very fun to listen to and have a huge range of both a female and male singers.  They also deserve a shout-out for donating their performance to help this event.  Make sure you get out to one of their upcoming shows.  The crowd kept trickling in as the show went on and of course the costumes were great. A ton of cool creative ideas. One guy came in a warrior suit. I forget the character's name. I believe it was from the Mandalorian.  He nailed it. It was so good I wondered if he spent mad cash and bought it somewhere. Come to find out he made it with a 3d printer.  It really was impressive.  He did win the best costume.  The second band was Boogie and the Yo Yo's.  They really cranked it up and did a hell of a great show.  They have a great stage presentation and the sound to go with it.  One of the highlights of the night for me was when they did a small presentation showing some of the great work that Children's Hospital has done and had a father and daughter that came up and shared their story about how Children's Hospital changed and saved the life of the beautiful young lady on stage. She is now in her 20's.  Her father mention that she did a little singing and one of our old committee members said he would donate $100 for her to sing with the band and her dad stepped up and doubled the offer.  With some hesitation, she said she would do it, and ohh boy did she do a great job.  I have the video for you all to see. It really was a fantastic night. There are a lot of people that help out every year to sell pumpkins and local businesses, get donations for the Wapl morning show auctions and put everything together for the costume party itself. But I would like to give a hat off to Brenda G who heads this crazy dog and pony show up. She has helped in so many ways for a long period of time. Without leaders like her, this event would not be what it is.  I was also lucky enough to run into the gentleman that started the whole organization for this Randy.  We talked a little about how cool it was that this event is still going strong and it has generated some incredible funds to save and affect a lot of kids in our area.  He is a very humble gentleman. I did remind him that it is because of his efforts that this event still goes on.  I am grateful for what he and this community have done and I am sure there is a list a mile long that would agree. It is an honor to be able to call these people my friends.  If you have not made it to the costume party in the past. Put it on your list of must-dos. Come out have fun and help support an amazing cause!   I hope you enjoy the photos. - Photo Gallery

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