2023 Waterfest Kickoff

June 17, 2023

2023 Waterfest KickoffWaterfest in Oshkosh: Braving the Chill, Rocking the Water, and Unleashing the Music

Waterfest in Oshkosh has finally kicked off, my friends! Thursday nights in this lively city are always a blast at the Leach Amphitheater, thanks to the incredible bands that grace the Waterfest stage. This year's kickoff brought in none other than Bob Schneider, Steely Dane, and the Grand Union bands. Naturally, I reached out to a bunch of people to come and join in on the fun. But guess what? The weather wasn't exactly on our side. Unfortunately, those nasty clouds rolled in and the temperature refused to budge. Throw in some wind, and you've got yourself a chilly night that requires a sweatshirt. But hey, here in Oshkosh, summer lasts a whole three months, so we make the most of it!

Thankfully, my buddy was still up for hitting the event, and that's exactly what we did. We arrived and decided to take a quick peek at how many boats were hanging around. Well, folks, let me tell you, it was a sight to behold, and by "sight," I mean it was seriously light. Only a few brave souls decided to rock the water despite the less-than-ideal conditions. Naturally, I had to capture some snapshots of these boat warriors, forever etching their valiant spirit in my camera roll.

We arrived a little late and missed out on the Grand Union band, but everyone I talked to really enjoyed the performance. Once we made it inside, the stage was ablaze with the incredible musicians of Steely Dane, dropping jams. This band knows how to have a blast on stage, and boy, do they deliver! There's so much happening up there that you can't help but get caught up in the excitement.

And then, ladies and gentlemen, it was time for the Bob Schneider Band to take over. By this point, a good portion of the crowd had decided to seek refuge from the cold and call it a night. Understandable, as the frigid air had settled in. But for those who toughed it out, they seemed to be having fun and enjoying the show. It felt fantastic to be back out and witness Waterfest rocking the waterway once again. As we left there was a street performer just outside the amphitheater. Rocking out on a drum set. I give this kid a lot of credit. He was just playing for tips and having fun. But it had taken him some serious time to set up. Rock on drummer boy!

So, my fellow party animals, let's raise our glasses to the brave souls who braved the chill, the boat warriors who rocked the water, and the talented bands that brought the energy to Oshkosh's very own Waterfest. Here's to many more memorable nights filled with music, laughter, and the occasional battle with Mother Nature herself!

I have over 250 pictures for you to check out as well as a video slideshow of all the photos or you can see all the pictures on the Wiparty Boating Photo Gallery. 

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