McFLESHMAN'S BREWING CO. in Downtown Appleton

March 8, 2020

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McFleshman’s is a cool little brewery with a taproom and beer garden. Located in downtown Appleton. McFleshman's has the feel of an old German Pub. Or at least I would assume since I have not been to an old German pub. Tall ceilings with a triplex design. The lower area in the front of the building has some couches and almost a livingroom feel. The main mid level of the building is long and narrow similarly to most of our downtown building that takes you to the back of the building. Here you find the beautiful stain glassed back wall on the bar. With a bartender waiting to serve you up a variety of the McFleshman's brews. They gladly offer up samples for you to try out.  We grabbed a couple of beer and headed to the upper level. Which feels like a balcony overlooking the bar and some nice windows to watch any action out on the street. They have some fun decorations and a very comforatable feel. While we were there a gentleman grabbed a guitar and was singing with a group of people. See the video below. From what I could tell they do not serve any food. I am planning on heading back and getting more details from the owner.

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