Willie Beamons and Kitty Corona Band

May 7, 2023

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Kitty Corona at Willie Beamons in NeenahKitty Corona came out to play at Willie Beamons

Saturday night and it was time to go to Willie Beamons and see Kitty Corona. Willie Beamons is always a fun spot to stop by and check out bands. With summer coming closer they will be doing more things out on the large patio. Just a heads up if you're heading there, it's best to come in from Hwy 76 and drive down to WB. They have the road ripped up about 50 years down from the bar and you cannot get through. Got to love road construction. Think they will fill potholes first. Anyway, Willies had a full parking lot and a pretty full bar when I got in. Kitty Corona was tearing it up and had people in front and dancing as soon as I walked in. They are a fun band to listen to and watch. As always I have a video and photos so you can get a feel for what Kitty Corona is like as well as Willie Beamon's bar. Looking forward to what Willie Beamons will be doing for summer entertainment. Always fun!

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